Delta Zeta: The Delta Zeta Creed & What It’s All About

(Disclaimer: The following post was written from a fraternity man’s point of view & doesn’t necessarily agree/reflect with the opinions/viewpoints of others.)

“What does the Delta Zeta Creed mean?” -search engine term of the day

Whoever typed this important question up could have been a Delta Zeta. Or perhaps another sorority woman interested in knowing more about the Delta Zeta Creed (you never can tell). It could be a fraternity man. Or maybe not. Which brings me back to the most important question of all:

“What does the Delta Zeta Creed mean?”

Sometimes I can’t help but ask myself, “What does the Delta Zeta Creed mean? What is the Delta Zeta Creed all about? How is it applicable to my life as a Sigma Chi? How is it applicable to the lives of Delta Zeta’s undergraduate & alumnae members?”

The Delta Zeta Creed means all of the following:

It’s more than just words on a page. It’s a way of life which Delta Zeta’s undergraduate & alumnae members live day in & day out as they do more-than-amazing things for their chapters, colleges/universities, communities & beyond.

It’s a perfect way to articulate to others – both Greeks & non-Greeks alike – who Delta Zeta is, what Delta Zeta is all about & what Delta Zeta truly stands for.

It’s a beautiful way to articulate the ideals & values which have defined Delta Zeta ever since its founding in 1902: temperance, insight, courage, justice, truth, selfless giving, understanding, appreciation, love, personal growth & faith.

It’s about living your values – not just talking about them, but getting out there & truly/wholeheartedly living those values in all that you do. (Any fraternity man who loves Delta Zeta should take some time to read the Delta Zeta Creed in its entirety. Seriously.)

It’s a perfect mission statement in describing who Delta Zeta’s undergraduate & alumnae members truly are: women who are sincerely committed to changing their campuses & communities for the better.

Above all, the Delta Zeta Creed continues to enrich & transform the lives of the Sorority’s undergraduate & alumnae members – & has it ever!!

“What does the Delta Zeta Creed mean? What is the Delta Zeta Creed all about?” To be honest with you, it is & always will be all of the above & so much more.

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