Archive | November 2015

Sorority Life: Living That Instagram Life

When yours truly isn’t blogging during his downtime, he always turns to another outlet to express himself in a beautiful (& positive) way:  photography.

I’ve been taking sorority/fraternity-related pictures for as far back as I can remember; the earliest pics I can remember taking date back almost a decade.  But I never really made any headway into my newest occupation until the spring of 2010; since then, I haven’t really looked back.  Sure, I experienced growing pains as I continued to improve on my photographic skills.  Sure, I also took some pics which were hit or miss as far as quality is concerned.  But the more time that I took to develop my craft, the better that I would become at capturing photography pertaining to Greek life.

Now I’ve come full circle, doing something that I truly love.  For the first time in my life, I’m doing something that confirms my sincere love & appreciation for sororities/women’s fraternities (& for that matter, Greek life in general).  And what better way to share that love & appreciation than through my Instagram site!!  (Look up cmkelham for further details.)

I’ve only been on Instagram since April but I’ve had the time of my life posting pics from the very first moment I registered for IG.  To be honest, life on Instagram has been eventful in more ways than one – sometimes I post pics like crazy, but that’s my creative firepower at work (yours truly gives 110% in anything that he does).  When I’ve been on hiatus from of love & roses, I’ve turned to Instagram for inspiration & some more creative sparks to keep my love for Greek life burning bright/strong/boldly.  And has it ever kept my love for all things Greek ever steadfast!!

If there is one thing yours truly enjoys about living that Instagram life, it would be the following:  IG gives me a place to do something that I love with my whole heart – celebrating Greek life through photography!!

Greek love all day every day,
